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Lots of this and that with a little bit of chocolate on top.
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Scams Spike as the economy dives

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Posted 05-03-2009 at 03:35 AM by NeteQuette

As the Australian Tax Office (ATO) prepares to make stimulus payments to Australians as part of the $42 billion dollar economic stimulus package, a new wave of email scams are attempting to exploit unsuspecting recipients.

The scammers are sending emails disguised as official communication from the ATO and ask for personal details such as date of birth or banking details.

Its said that 1 in 20 Australians will fall victim to some form of scam this year and netting the scammers over 1 billion aussie dollars.

Wake up people if it looks like shit, smells like shit then the likley hood is that its shit, so dont eat it.
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