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A little bit of everything, from the saucy, to the serious. Nothing but the unvarnished truth, until I can come up with a better story. Until then I'll stick to the one I got, which is, Tigger did it.

On A Serious Note

Posted 07-21-2009 at 09:47 PM by Gaystoryman (Red Thongs & Tigger Too)

In dealing with some health issues, for my 92 year old mother, it strikes me at how things have changed, and in my view, not for the better.

Take Health Care. Why do we now assume it is something that has to make a profit? Oh I know, people need ot make a living and all that, but today's health care is being controlled by big corporation, who have one think in mind, PROFITS.

And that is okay, especially if you are a stock holder, but it sure doesn't help the average person,...
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Messin' with Candidates

Posted 05-06-2009 at 12:14 PM by Gaystoryman (Red Thongs & Tigger Too)

Oh last night was a perfect night, despite the rain, despite all the day's stress. I got to speak to our local candidate, running in our provincial election.

Actually, I got to talk to two of them, one the incumbent, from a new riding, that once was ours, and the new one, who hopes to represent us.

I mean you know they are desperate for a vote, when they'll stand outside, in the pelting rain, discussing the nastiness of their own leader. One even suggested that it...
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Don't get it anymore.

Posted 04-28-2009 at 06:16 PM by Gaystoryman (Red Thongs & Tigger Too)

Never figured out, why do people forget the important things? Or counter always with a joke instead of something more, fitting?

Haven't a clue anymore about what makes people tick, or anthing really. I mean government is out screwing the very people they rely on to elect them, business is doing the same thing to the consumer, and no one seems to get it?

It is funny, in a weird way. Here we are in the age of endless information, and yet it seems, we know a...
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It's a Joke, it just has to be

Posted 04-24-2009 at 12:23 AM by Gaystoryman (Red Thongs & Tigger Too)

I think everyone is aware of the Big 3 Auto makers, seeking billions in bailout money, and how they arrived at Congress to plead their case in not one, not two, but three corporate jets.

Well up here, a television station, Global, is now running commercials about how the Auto Maker Dealers are our friends, are valued community citizens, who contribute a great deal to our society, by providing us with quality and reasonably priced means of private transportation.

So we should...
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It is a Speciality

Posted 04-21-2009 at 02:27 PM by Gaystoryman (Red Thongs & Tigger Too)

And I am into the opposite sex too.

Ever notice the so called speciality channels that comes all neatly bundled up in your cable choices? Like a western channel, that supposedly shows two western movies every day, but when did Dirty Harry become a western classic?:

Sure didn't know that when watching the Mystery Channel, that Sleepless in Seattle was a mystery.

Then there is the cooking channel. I mean I always thought the idea of cooking shows,...
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